diagnosis, prognosis ... Alternative
After almost three months came the diagnosis.
Yesterday I started therapy.
Nothing serious.
It is a chronic disease and autoimmune (which explains abdominal pain, loss of appetite, fatigue, diarrhea or constipation, bloating ...)
For this disease there are no exemptions ticket.
At least the drug (mesalazine) is borne by the NHS.
Laboratory Tests and blood are all paid.
Moreover, in Italy the sick "real" pay, but there are those who exceed 65 years (and is fine) and "Fun" to do blood tests twice a week (to get a ride to the hospital), or specialist visits for every little discomfort.
And we pay.
Excuse the outburst, but these things I see every day and do not tolerate them anymore.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
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Ryanair extends its offer of 500 flights - 1 million people to 6 €
Ryanair, "the world's favorite airline, has extended the offer of a € 6 million seats for travel on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays in January, booked on www.ryanair.com until midnight (24: 00) Thursday, December 23. Additional Ryanair's € 6 include the fees and expenses, so passengers who chose to avoid paying the costs of discretionary cheap flights with Ryanair prepaid MasterCard , traveling with only hand luggage and giving priority boarding can book, the online check-in and fly at this rate of € 6 advertised.
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Sunday, December 19, 2010
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Bad weather: Back to regular air traffic at Orio al Serio
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regular air traffic, today, the airport of Orio al Serio (Bergamo), after it canceled 28 flights Ryanair passengers stranded ieri.I have all left, including about 200 people who have spent night in the terminal. To them have been made available to the camp by Civil Defence, Alpine and Red Cross blankets, supplied by the army. This morning, regular flights are back and the situation inside the terminal and 'back to normal'. (ANSA ).
Thursday, December 16, 2010
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To give yourself a Christmas trip with a promo code Meridianafly
To give yourself a Christmas trip with a promo code Meridianafly ! The promo code is valid for all destinations of the network Meridiana Fly and can be used for purchases made on website meridiana.com until 31/12/2010. Meridianafly offers 20 € discount on the total cost of the purchase price divided by the number of routes and passengers, excluding airport taxes, fees and administrative issue. The promo code, except for three exceptions listed below, is applicable and valid for all destinations in the network Meridiana fly and all the rates available at time of purchase and can be used only for purchases made on website meridiana.com .
How do you get the discount :
1. Select the flight during the period between the '11/01/2011 and 31/03/2011.
2. Continue to purchase up to the summary page, enter the promo code in the box 20NATALE2010 and to recalculate the total cost.
3. The discount will appear in the reservation.
The promotional code can not be combined or refunded. Promotion does not apply to flights under the "territorial continuity Sicily - Minor Outlying Islands", the links under the "territorial continuity Sardinia and in code-share flights and operated by other carriers. The company for this initiative provides for the use of Promocode for a maximum of 1,000 total purchases above which will turn off the promo code.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
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INCIDENT PLANE The airport of Alghero - but it was ONLY exercise
E 'of 21 wounded, 2 dead and 10 of the budget of the accident unscathed Tuesday, December 14 plane occurred at Alghero airport.
In the afternoon, an aircraft was hit by half Interp. The flames and smoke, which have developed due to the spillage of fuel, has triggered emergency procedures.
Within minutes came on the scene of the accident the emergency services of the Fire Brigade, Red Cross and the 118, coordinated by the COE (Center for Emergency Operations) which includes Sogeaal, ENAC ENAV, 118 and law enforcement.
While the most seriously injured were transported to hospitals closer to the other have been given first aid station at the Advanced Medical First Aid, with the so-called "intangible Stock", consisting of defibrillator, blankets, anti-burns, stretchers and everything necessary for a first intervention.
This is the scenario of a potential crash. But fortunately it was only an exercise, called full-scale, one of three mandatory under the Airport Emergency Plan.
All calls are, in fact, required to perform periodic simulations of this type, with the objective of verifying the effectiveness of the emergency plan, communication and coordination between the airports and not involved in the rescue operations. At the airport of Alghero
such exercises are carried out based the system implemented by FEMA, the U.S. Agency for emergency management, according to the NIMS model, the system used in the United States to coordinate emergency preparedness and incident management.
The importance of proof lies in the fact that, in cases of genuine need, all the parties involved are prepared to lend their work to meet emergency needs in a proper and timely.
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E 'of 21 wounded, 2 dead and 10 of the budget of the accident unscathed Tuesday, December 14 plane occurred at Alghero airport.
In the afternoon, an aircraft was hit by half Interp. The flames and smoke, which have developed due to the spillage of fuel, has triggered emergency procedures.
Within minutes came on the scene of the accident the emergency services of the Fire Brigade, Red Cross and the 118, coordinated by the COE (Center for Emergency Operations) which includes Sogeaal, ENAC ENAV, 118 and law enforcement.
While the most seriously injured were transported to hospitals closer to the other have been given first aid station at the Advanced Medical First Aid, with the so-called "intangible Stock", consisting of defibrillator, blankets, anti-burns, stretchers and everything necessary for a first intervention.
This is the scenario of a potential crash. But fortunately it was only an exercise, called full-scale, one of three mandatory under the Airport Emergency Plan.
All calls are, in fact, required to perform periodic simulations of this type, with the objective of verifying the effectiveness of the emergency plan, communication and coordination between the airports and not involved in the rescue operations. At the airport of Alghero
such exercises are carried out based the system implemented by FEMA, the U.S. Agency for emergency management, according to the NIMS model, the system used in the United States to coordinate emergency preparedness and incident management.
The importance of proof lies in the fact that, in cases of genuine need, all the parties involved are prepared to lend their work to meet emergency needs in a proper and timely.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
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Ryanair, the airline of choice the world, has opened today (December 14) a new route from Alghero to Verona.
Melisa Corrigan, Ryanair's Sales and Marketing Manager for Italy, commented:
'E' with great pleasure that today we opened the new route from our base in Alghero Verona. We have already reported good bookings, and we expect to continue to grow over the coming months.
Thanks to its rich artistic and architectural Italian cities, Verona is one of the most beloved and internationally known thanks to numerous annual events among which the opera season at the Arena of Verona and summer theater.
Melisa Corrigan, Ryanair's Sales and Marketing Manager for Italy, commented:
'E' with great pleasure that today we opened the new route from our base in Alghero Verona. We have already reported good bookings, and we expect to continue to grow over the coming months.
Thanks to its rich artistic and architectural Italian cities, Verona is one of the most beloved and internationally known thanks to numerous annual events among which the opera season at the Arena of Verona and summer theater.
UNESCO World Heritage, Verona is a beautiful example of a city that has developed progressively and uninterruptedly over two thousand years, incorporating artistic elements of the highest quality for different time periods that have followed. A tour of Verona can not include a stop at Juliet's house, a visit to the Arena and an aperitif in the Piazza delle Erbe, the center of which stands the bright fountain of Madonna Verona, composed of parts from the ancient Roman baths. I remind you, finally, that you can fly with Ryanair to Alghero in Madrid, Frankfurt (Hahn) and Oslo (Torp). Reserve your flight from Alghero Verona and many other great destinations only http://www.ryanair.com/ from € 7 *!
Monday, December 13, 2010
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New Year's Eve Events in Sardinia (Cagliari)
''The goal of the project 'island that Dance' - said Councillor Louise Crisponi - and 'to develop a path that enhance and promote the tourism image of Sardinia in a low season. From January until the beginning of true summer, the beach.
The idea is' to give a great image for qualifying events with a strong tourist attraction, both nationally and internationally. Starting with the big events for the New Year. To this - continues Crisponi - the regional government decided to invest 700 000 euro for the events of last year.'' The Region will compete
'costs for the organization of the events of New Year to attract tourists out of season. The cities' of Cagliari, Alghero, Olbia and Castelsardo will co-financing by the region up to 50% of the costs incurred up to a maximum of 100 000 €. For Sassari, La Maddalena, Palau, Oristano, Nuoro and Iglesias, co-financing will be 'up to a maximum of 50 000 € always equal to half' of the expenditure reported. The widespread exploitation of the events of high tourist wants to be a way to encourage the process of seasonal adjustment and relocation a positive impact in the hospitality industry ', the restaurant, artistic handicrafts and food typical of Sardinia.
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slogan effect, 'that Island Dance', to give a winning image, an island on the move. And 'this path envisioned and designed by the Regional Tourism in Sardinia that he decided to pursue an ambitious project for the revival of the other season, in collaboration of local governments that have already' lists for had, in the recent past, the courage to invest in major events.
''The goal of the project 'island that Dance' - said Councillor Louise Crisponi - and 'to develop a path that enhance and promote the tourism image of Sardinia in a low season. From January until the beginning of true summer, the beach.
The idea is' to give a great image for qualifying events with a strong tourist attraction, both nationally and internationally. Starting with the big events for the New Year. To this - continues Crisponi - the regional government decided to invest 700 000 euro for the events of last year.'' The Region will compete
'costs for the organization of the events of New Year to attract tourists out of season. The cities' of Cagliari, Alghero, Olbia and Castelsardo will co-financing by the region up to 50% of the costs incurred up to a maximum of 100 000 €. For Sassari, La Maddalena, Palau, Oristano, Nuoro and Iglesias, co-financing will be 'up to a maximum of 50 000 € always equal to half' of the expenditure reported. The widespread exploitation of the events of high tourist wants to be a way to encourage the process of seasonal adjustment and relocation a positive impact in the hospitality industry ', the restaurant, artistic handicrafts and food typical of Sardinia.
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New link between Sicily and the Canary Islands-Tenerife Ryanair opens Palermo
Sicily and the Canary Islands (Spain) closer and closer. Ryanair, the low coast airline, announced the new route from Palermo to Tenerife, the largest island of the Canary Islands, off northwest Africa. The flights to be active from next February 16 will be weekly, Wednesdays and Saturdays. "We hope to move between the two cities in the first year of operation, about 30,000 passengers - said Melisa Corrigan, Ryanair's Sales and Marketing Manager for Italy - Tenerife is the largest and most cosmopolitan island of the Canary Islands. In addition to wonderful beaches and a bustling nightlife, the island can count among its attractions the Teide National Park which is the third largest volcano in the world and also the highest mountain in Spain. Tenerife - added the Corrigan - is also famous for the Carnival of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. It also has a modern auditorium in the capital Santa Cruz de Tenerife, one of the finest buildings in Spain and point Reference futuristic city and the Canary Islands. " (Giornale di Sicilia )
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Cagliari: Ryanair celebrates 560 000 passengers for Milan
The Ryanair celebrated the third anniversary of the Cagliari-Milan (Orio al Serio) on which they were carriers' total of 560 000 passengers. "I am pleased to announce that yesterday we celebrated the third anniversary of the link - said Ryanair's sales and marketing manager for Italy, Melisa Corrigan - thanks to which we have handled over 560,000 passengers between the two cities in the first three years of operation. (Text Unione Sarda)
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Saturday, December 11, 2010
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Germanwings launches nine new routes from Cagliari to Stuttgart and Cologne
Thanks to nine new routes to and from Italy Germanwings flight plan begins with the summer 2011 a real conquest of the peninsula and increase its links to Italy from the airports of Cologne / Bonn, Stuttgart and Hannover, with new routes to Venice (Treviso), Pisa, Naples, Bari, Cagliari and Catania. The new Italian destinations are in addition to Milan, Rome, Bologna, Verona and Lamezia Terme, already served by Germanwings Germany . Both in terms of leisure and business travel, the low-cost German still sees great potential for growth in Italy.
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Fly Olbia with Meridiana Florence, Turin and Venice
Fly Meridiana to Olbia airport announced new direct flights between annual Olbia, Florence, Turin and Venice, which runs from 10th December 2010. Rates start at € 28 all inclusive per person (one way). Meridiana fly, and the tour operator Geasar Wokita bet with the Other Season, in the belief that by uniting in one common strategy, public and private Sardinia can create new tourist flows.
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