Hello everyone, finally coming to an end in 2008 ... We hope that the year is coming to be a bit 'more' fortunate than the previous one ... remember that the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams . May the new year brings new and beautiful dreams and many concrete satisfactions. Merry Year! Dana
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
How To Connect Pan Tilt With My Pc
... THAT CHRISTMAS! all to remember ... ANOTHER SCAM THAT !!!!...
this Christmas will be 'truly to remember! expect already 'two months MOBILITY'.... that is hard to arrive, if all goes well he speaks at the end of January ... and while you do it? we enjoy this holiday without a euro in your pocket. How sad! A kiss Dana.
Ps Boys of the branches, but you did it end? remember the value share information for the Blog!!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Genetal Herpes And Milk
Outplacement LEGALIZED
Outplacement costera 'former employees Naples EUR 3300.00 VAT included .... ... there seems to further a fraud? At least they could pagarcela them and instead, for those who want to 'get help finding employment agency x must' pay from his own pocket ... But those who have given up about 2500.00 Euros deducted from 'incentives, have already' paid ... of course no guarantee for the future !!!... Well done guys ... Continue taking x. ... Good evening at all.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Write Protect Usb Flash
Tomorrow and finally 'finished!
not be here tomorrow .... finally will end 'of all this mess ... it will go' to formally sign in front of the Directorate Department of Labour ... and finally free from all constraints! Girls / The other branches are still alive, nn give up, fight with all the forces so that vs 'we can guarantee a salary at the end of this month ... do not be fooled by the silence .. and mostly' this is their strength! Night Dana
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Funschriften Generator
Correction to previous post!
Hello Guys, after a careful survey done among you, we wanted to change the destination x Tuesday 'evening: Pizza! ... NO MONEY in this period by the majority of his colleagues.
Appointment in Via Roma under our beloved former Rinascente where it is now 'the only remaining sign at 21.00 .... Be on time and in any case please contact info x always with me or a hug ... Dany Sapio to rinacommunity Good Sunday! Dana
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Top Foundation Brushes
Dear, 's true that now we are no longer' colleagues, but a dinner and / or pizza might as well organize a moment and leave behind the problems and grievances working Appointment Tuesday ... '21 October at h. THE PHEASANT RESTAURANT 21.00 at Via Ripuaria - Giugliano (NA) (near Varcaturo) Tel 081.8392971 ... Let us know in many and spread the word. You can call me or Dany Sapio. A kiss to all ... Dana
Ps x all the other''fellow''of Italy blog I use it to pass info you need, believe me, do not let that take away too. A special hug to Cris, Antonella, Daniela and Serena.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Creamy Whit Cm 6 Days Before Period?
... my greetings to you all ...

, we Boys, and 'it time to say goodbye, and after much thought I decided to do it hoping to fix these words in the heart of all of us stopping for a moment that surely will pass the time 'and we travolgera'come wave, like a hurricane. So far it seems to me a bad nightmare to live with the hope of a great awakening then, the Truth 'mingles with the dream, to understand and digest that it is a bitter and harsh reality'. Given this close and 'was a cold shower for all We ... we ... the people who had invested their life and not just working in a major company and always ready for new challenges toward a future full of innovative and very successful ... But everything 'and we all suddenly vanished We felt betrayed, hurt and thrown into a reality 'arid and sterile, in this reality' that we all look outside but that does not belong to us and with the pride of working in Rinascente could only vaguely understand. Now I can just stop and remember everything with deep regret 'that these walls have seen and lived with us ... joys, celebrations, buffets, excellent sales and substantial prizes ... but my mind back over the moments difficult but after that happened with all our might, with great willingness' that only Naples can. I personally have been proud to have worked in the 'Old Rinascente' which gave me the opportunity 'to grow professionally by making educational trips on some branches of Italy and is daily working in my life path. I sincerely thank all the people that from the moment they believed in me both at work and human. An affectionate hug and goes especially to my 'old fellow' plan ( Tina, Imma and Flower ) that from the moment I was treated like a daughter and that will bring 'always in my heart to ... my friends Anthony and visual Peppe that with their strong and intense personality 'have given me days and memorable moments. ... to my Franco has always supported me in difficult times and I won her heart .... the my former boss Abbatiello who always believed in me from the beginning and which we no longer 'news, not even a farewell! ... to Maria Marano, who with great professionalism' has been able to fit into a non- easy but above all he learned to know and understand ... Donatella Double that starting this journey with so much enthusiasm has no words to express the anger I have inside of if 'and what' and that 'happened. ... my two colleagues sweet Rita and Alexandra, who in 2000 started with me this way ... to my friends Grace and Massimo , companions of so many days and evenings spent together in joy ... to all boxiste and staff on the ground floor, which I have donated their beautiful smile every day when I walked into the office ... Mr. Siciliano and Ms. Tina I've known before everyone else and I have watched her grow up and become who I am today ... all those people and friends who gradually went away over the years but never forgot ... to my friend Daniel Sapio smile that says, 'Great Way to go Dana ...' to the wonderful friends / colleagues on the 1st floor, Silvia (tattoo), Luisa (great little mom) Simona (marvelous creature) Katia (beautiful and very good) ... all the good company of the 2nd floor and with their 'dancing' improvised filled with joy, some sad moments in my life ... A kiss particularly Franceschina Esposito ... that life will always smile! ! .... With my colleagues plan, which I have always respected and wanted the office ... well, that with his girls ( Imma, and Ale Manuela ) also made the walls shake with laughter! warm wishes synthesized in a tear filled full of bitterness to those who have not mentioned .... all that we were who we are and who we are! ... to all the unsaid words, but they had great significance in our hearts and our minds. This page is closed here in town but I hope to open a book in everyone, everything brand new ready to be written. A greeting and a big Good luck to all. That life can give us that smile dinuovo stolen and a better future outside these walls that are a little 'us!
, we Boys, and 'it time to say goodbye, and after much thought I decided to do it hoping to fix these words in the heart of all of us stopping for a moment that surely will pass the time 'and we travolgera'come wave, like a hurricane. So far it seems to me a bad nightmare to live with the hope of a great awakening then, the Truth 'mingles with the dream, to understand and digest that it is a bitter and harsh reality'. Given this close and 'was a cold shower for all We ... we ... the people who had invested their life and not just working in a major company and always ready for new challenges toward a future full of innovative and very successful ... But everything 'and we all suddenly vanished We felt betrayed, hurt and thrown into a reality 'arid and sterile, in this reality' that we all look outside but that does not belong to us and with the pride of working in Rinascente could only vaguely understand. Now I can just stop and remember everything with deep regret 'that these walls have seen and lived with us ... joys, celebrations, buffets, excellent sales and substantial prizes ... but my mind back over the moments difficult but after that happened with all our might, with great willingness' that only Naples can. I personally have been proud to have worked in the 'Old Rinascente' which gave me the opportunity 'to grow professionally by making educational trips on some branches of Italy and is daily working in my life path. I sincerely thank all the people that from the moment they believed in me both at work and human. An affectionate hug and goes especially to my 'old fellow' plan ( Tina, Imma and Flower ) that from the moment I was treated like a daughter and that will bring 'always in my heart to ... my friends Anthony and visual Peppe that with their strong and intense personality 'have given me days and memorable moments. ... to my Franco has always supported me in difficult times and I won her heart .... the my former boss Abbatiello who always believed in me from the beginning and which we no longer 'news, not even a farewell! ... to Maria Marano, who with great professionalism' has been able to fit into a non- easy but above all he learned to know and understand ... Donatella Double that starting this journey with so much enthusiasm has no words to express the anger I have inside of if 'and what' and that 'happened. ... my two colleagues sweet Rita and Alexandra, who in 2000 started with me this way ... to my friends Grace and Massimo , companions of so many days and evenings spent together in joy ... to all boxiste and staff on the ground floor, which I have donated their beautiful smile every day when I walked into the office ... Mr. Siciliano and Ms. Tina I've known before everyone else and I have watched her grow up and become who I am today ... all those people and friends who gradually went away over the years but never forgot ... to my friend Daniel Sapio smile that says, 'Great Way to go Dana ...' to the wonderful friends / colleagues on the 1st floor, Silvia (tattoo), Luisa (great little mom) Simona (marvelous creature) Katia (beautiful and very good) ... all the good company of the 2nd floor and with their 'dancing' improvised filled with joy, some sad moments in my life ... A kiss particularly Franceschina Esposito ... that life will always smile! ! .... With my colleagues plan, which I have always respected and wanted the office ... well, that with his girls ( Imma, and Ale Manuela ) also made the walls shake with laughter! warm wishes synthesized in a tear filled full of bitterness to those who have not mentioned .... all that we were who we are and who we are! ... to all the unsaid words, but they had great significance in our hearts and our minds. This page is closed here in town but I hope to open a book in everyone, everything brand new ready to be written. A greeting and a big Good luck to all. That life can give us that smile dinuovo stolen and a better future outside these walls that are a little 'us!
With love Daniela Terlato.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
How Do You Get Pokemon Emerald From Cydia
Today 'on the last day of rinascentini ... tomorrow we are officially unemployed and will begin' for us the real ordeal ... Placing / INPS / Individual interviews with the company and some or many shots against this unfair dismissal disputes COLLECTIVE !!... I hope that this freedom 'mandatory lead us on a road work better so' to finally appease the spirits that x many of us still are very excited ... Good luck to everyone, including me! every man for himself'!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dana T.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Gdl License Alberta Ontario
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Ballet Shoes Width C Or D
... NAPLES 'were considered to be SERIES B. .. xche'??
my dear To Root, to you who read or who you still have not explained xche 'in Naples layoffs have not wanted to grant ... WE ARE NOT BEASTS ...!!!! even if you do not yet realize, we are the people who have been thrown on the street like garbage ... but do not worry, you'll pay all your sins. You bet!!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
What Battery Do I Need For My Fujifilm Camera
....RAGAZZE / I...e same goes for me .... NO FEAR (Kesigi Brava! .. Just your video on you tube ).... Although the wind changes, we, unlike them we do not throw ever down '... no matter what happens in our lives ... I embrace you all. Dana T.
Palermo are beautiful and dedicated ... let her see! Good luck!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Creamy White Cm 6 Days Before Period?
remember us!!
I do not believe ... printing and suddenly 'remembered us ... hey guys, we were contacted an interview x La Repubblica, said they wanted to meet us and that this story is' interesting! ... But where were when we needed them and when we will launch Inhuman screaming HELP ???... Ladies and gentlemen ... here comes the Italian paradox. Night to the community. Dana
I do not believe ... printing and suddenly 'remembered us ... hey guys, we were contacted an interview x La Repubblica, said they wanted to meet us and that this story is' interesting! ... But where were when we needed them and when we will launch Inhuman screaming HELP ???... Ladies and gentlemen ... here comes the Italian paradox. Night to the community. Dana
Friday, September 12, 2008
Best Long Lasting Deodrant For Womens
COULD NOT FINISH BETTER! vent off the irony, of course!
... First of all I want to thank the entire herd of sheep, now former colleagues / ghee this morning were not withdrawn from the form indemocratica only discriminatory but that the Company has assumed (bay Donald did not make 'with you but with whom I have told you how to organize the closure) After the idea had divergence between our beloved RSU (by chance some of them already' and 'at home) and the group organizing the management of work still has to work AGAINST ANYONE IF THEY ARE FINALLY FREE HOME PAID, I personally remain once again amazed ... NO ONE HAS LIFTED A FINGER X SAY THAT THIS IS NOT WHAT IT WAS MADE! Thank you ... fool me that without guile and not 'made to do just that piece of relief until 30 September! I realize that this is now a jungle but this morning I would say that has' turned into a veritable forest wolf ... and honestly I'm glad that paradoxically Rinascente no longer exists' in Naples ... I'm exhausted and Skif ... I just hope the director to free me in a couple of days so 'as it did with the whole' of people with cunning and luck are already 'at home and can already' moving and make different choices about what to do with their lives. Second, and regarding the comment left on the previous post to me, I can only tell you that before I do them 'outside the reception after the meeting on Thursday' and not to h. 10.00, already 'were a lot' of people ready to sign the day x secure paid .... Now I know: you in my place, what would you do? Maybe there and 'tip-off came the ear, here xche' been so 'pissed! Believe me you would have done the same thing, and if there 'was given the opportunity' not to lose more of Jonathan, I do not see where the problem lies, xche 'lose more money, we have already' lost enough? Anyway I do not need to justify even xche ' no longer there 's just nothing to say the facts speak for themselves, at least I've done something, I had an idea and I'm not someone affixed with a clear conscience! Third and last thing, this blog, as already 'has rightly reiterated a colleague if I'm not mistaken RO Colonna, born as a pure information and should not be misused. 1 - Please use a language pretty clean .... 2 - Please do not use threats 3 - Please sign comments and do not slander anyone! Thanks
This 'for former colleagues of Naples, while colleagues in other branches just want to say to use us as an example and not fall in all these mistakes ... And remember,' THAT THE UNION IS STRENGTH! a kiss to all those like me still naively believe in something. I hope I can finally sleep tonight! Dany T.
PS. DONATELLA Deliver me from this hell PLEASE!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Wedding Contribution Card Sample
There cerdo! but did not have to close the 15? xche then 'just send us home with a squalid cell phone on? not 'a shameful x x LISTED COMPANY which you passed off? You say we're too good and there's no '... ok ... but we do not remove xro 'the dignity'! already 'there you have STOLEN ... do not you? ps WE HAVE BEEN TOO LORD obviously this is not you deserve it ... DEAR COLLEAGUES OF OTHER BRANCHES OPEN YOUR EYES ... SALVAT!! NOW WE ARE SPLIT AS CHRIST ON THE CROSS ...
Accidentally Stuck Myself With Used Insulin
Dear, so 'as it was suspected and the company' remained firm on its positions: NO CASH INTEGRATION AND NO REFERENCE TO THE AGREEMENT WAS DONE ON A LEVEL ECONOMIC ... BARI E 'SHAME .... but these days many things have been shameful at all levels .... THE BOARD CLOSES WITH LOSS OF AGREEMENT ... the atmosphere today and 'shocking was not even wish on my worst enemy ... but I think that the delegation came today in Naples branch of Rome Florence and Milan already 'told you have it ... x Anyway who does not know the company has offered to full time gross € 25000.00 + mobilization' or 10,000 , 00 x gross transfer 5 or 6 units'...... the merchant at the fair you know him? well the game begins ... now it will pass 'to the individual negotiations !!!!.... who do we thank?? I really do not know but one thing is' certain that everyone at all levels have played a game that already 'was started by 3 years and the only ones with the worst were the workers. I do not know guys, but as I said to colleagues vs this morning ... maybe you're still in time, giocatevela well this game. Now we are all free to make choices right or wrong ... cmq assured that we update the BLOG IS ALIVE ... ... besos ... and remember that the previous one because the company does not want to 'be very careful ... We already 'are old news!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Remz Weight Comparison
11/09/2008 LAST MEETING THE REGION h. 10:00
... we love you guys ... just a few hour the truth '... after so many lies and I do not just those in business .... capisc mme!, Tomorrow we will make the final bill! ! I hope to see some links to other branches as well 'to feel less alone in the community .... Night Dany
Monday, September 8, 2008
How Did Mandingo Increase
... Ladies and gentlemen ... THIS IS FOR YOU ... ... THE WAR OF THE POOR!
.... As already' I was expecting ... the end of the world is going on between us .... Guys I know we're pretty nervous and exalt us to every word ... but we must stand together and achieve a single goal ... we can not afford to turn away at each other and selfishly think about possible individual negotiations ... Please shake your teeth ... We're almost there ... are now three days and then all this comedy, tragedy, indeed, will end 'and we'll all be free from this burden! Dany T.
Mechanical Clock Moves At A Different In Space
girls of all branches, tomorrow at h. 11 there is 'co-ordination in Rome ... there is' a delegation of workers to Naples we gonna 'get organized ... you too ... and remember that' better heard with their ears! A kiss Dany T.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Almond Oil Body Spray
September 1 ... and still do not know our fate .... we are waiting for arrivals on 15 and then ... end transmission ... but not desperate terrorist 'live blog .. . Rina community at night. Dany T.
September 1 ... and still do not know our fate .... we are waiting for arrivals on 15 and then ... end transmission ... but not desperate terrorist 'live blog .. . Rina community at night. Dany T.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Proxies Facebook School
Round C. .. ... arrived on the floor I felt the dismantled die ...! the staff of 4 and 3 and 'everything was thrown on the 2nd floor that already' home to that of 1 .... so we are now all concentrated in a fleet of single-storey ... I would say paranoid state of turmoil in my head ... 3 more weeks of agony and then .... the void! Night at the whole community 'Dany T.
Round C. .. ... arrived on the floor I felt the dismantled die ...! the staff of 4 and 3 and 'everything was thrown on the 2nd floor that already' home to that of 1 .... so we are now all concentrated in a fleet of single-storey ... I would say paranoid state of turmoil in my head ... 3 more weeks of agony and then .... the void! Night at the whole community 'Dany T.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Quake Meatle Core Scooter Wheels
dinuovo ... Here I am ... the holidays are over and dinuovo you feel catapulted into reality '... Tomorrow I will return' to work there is still hope! Night at the whole community 'and try again rinascentina of the org Milano 2 ns. Dany T
dinuovo ... Here I am ... the holidays are over and dinuovo you feel catapulted into reality '... Tomorrow I will return' to work there is still hope! Night at the whole community 'and try again rinascentina of the org Milano 2 ns. Dany T
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Jeep Cherokee Drywall
Hello gentlemen / and all of Italy, today and from 20:05 presisamente are finally on vacation ... but always rotate in the head .... the same ideas and thoughts ... No worry I'll keep 'formats and earth' ... you also continuously updated Monday 'will contact' Antonella UIL ROC x confront the coordination of Naples on Sept. 11 but once again I ask to collect signatures for the affiliates to pass nn Vs MSW otherwise it will do 'nothing and no one will listen to us'. Guys, I realize that there are well deserved holiday in the middle, but be aware that these''gentlemen''send us on vacation x always obliged once again and then shake your teeth and let's do it ... I am sending you a kiss and I wish those leaving on vacation at this time a bit 'of peace' of mind after a year of many adventures including me. Dany T.
Ps but the branches of Catania Cagliari-Rome RIVER / FLORENCE / PADUA / MONZA / MILAN ...... WHERE ARE YOU !!!!! Let me hear you say you HAVE NN MI INSURED FOR THE BREAD OF OLD AGE ?????
Saturday, August 2, 2008
South Park Bleeding 6 Days
GG. 01/08/2008
Dear colleagues / ghe...ritorno finally in possession of a deadly virus causes pc ... then as already 'there will have' noted Daniel S., the meeting was' ended with no agreement between the company, Region and union ... The company has already begun with the various issues' discussed in several meetings took place ... has drawn all the way''logical''corporate giving its reasons, only that he believed once to have do with stupid people, and above all incompetent and ignorant of the laws on NN ... WELL I DID ACCOUNTS, fortunately Regional officials and 'a woman with such pa .. pa .. against the e, where x in agreement with our Dear MSW and
Unions (Madeleine Carnevale, Susy Cortazzo Ferdinand and Green) nn absolutely shared issues and above all mobility 'that Rinascente plans to open.
Dr. Honey (the official Reg) has recorded the call for the Company to proceed in the ordinary wage supplementation straordianaria starting Agreement or made in Bari region will encounter in PROX 'place on 11/09 / 2008 ... already 'just the date of the collapse of two towers ... So' to round off ... certainly before there will be several meetings with the Unions and the Local Unions and between us and then we will be back 'in front of the Region We ... hopefully starting to rethink business primarily in economic terms .... without a failure to agree will be forced to pay so much for the 59 employees Neapolitan .... otherwise all of us at the beginning of Sept we will be forced to do otherwise! More 'dangerous as ever .. Dear colleagues RO / MI / FI / CT / PA etc. ..... please arrange a Milano 2 so 'as already' you mentioned Daniel Sapio both our support to the entire community 'Rinascentina .. . I ask you to let us know more 'or less attendance at each branch office will be in the first week of September (vacation / pir / etc) so' to be evaluated along with the ability 'to make a mega SCIOPERONE! A special hug goes to my friend / colleague Daniel S. that in my absence kept updated on the blog and of course the dear colleagues who follow us ROC CAGLIARI PALERMO so will 'and especially to all those who have supported us on August 1, but especially those who read hidden behind the PC and the dark but that perhaps are slowly metabolizing the extremely serious situation that affects everyone. Thank you very VVB Dany T.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Long Does Virus Live Onchap Stick
4 ° x dd negotiating table. 01/08/2008
guys ... as you know .. even I hope so, and 'was announced the x days. 01/08/2008 STRIKE H x 8 meeting due to work on the 4th table talks with the Region c / o the Center direction. to h. 11:00 ... I hope that we will all be involved in this day of struggle and at the same time I hope to finally begin to talk and get the specific facts. A kiss we update in qst days. Dany T.
guys ... as you know .. even I hope so, and 'was announced the x days. 01/08/2008 STRIKE H x 8 meeting due to work on the 4th table talks with the Region c / o the Center direction. to h. 11:00 ... I hope that we will all be involved in this day of struggle and at the same time I hope to finally begin to talk and get the specific facts. A kiss we update in qst days. Dany T.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Vegeta X Bra Doujinshi
... Yesterday dismantling a floor rep. MAN, lowered lights and floor vacuum with blue tarps closed area .... ... infinite sadness that today I turned on the escalator looking to check out the frames quickly and suddenly I passed before my eyes .... scenes past! I saw the group on the 1st floor of a year and a half ago, including me, who laughed and joked like ghosts in the dead time near the central speaker ... a tear wet my face and then suddenly came to 2nd floor with all that movement of people and personal sadness and 'disappeared almost as willing to accept quell'imbarazzante nn scene two seconds before that sentence ... I do, I feel empty inside and keep on walking in the branch x inertia disoriented and frightened! But does this effect you will be admitted or is it just me? all night Dany
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