, we Boys, and 'it time to say goodbye, and after much thought I decided to do it hoping to fix these words in the heart of all of us stopping for a moment that surely will pass the time 'and we travolgera'come wave, like a hurricane. So far it seems to me a bad nightmare to live with the hope of a great awakening then, the Truth 'mingles with the dream, to understand and digest that it is a bitter and harsh reality'. Given this close and 'was a cold shower for all We ... we ... the people who had invested their life and not just working in a major company and always ready for new challenges toward a future full of innovative and very successful ... But everything 'and we all suddenly vanished We felt betrayed, hurt and thrown into a reality 'arid and sterile, in this reality' that we all look outside but that does not belong to us and with the pride of working in Rinascente could only vaguely understand. Now I can just stop and remember everything with deep regret 'that these walls have seen and lived with us ... joys, celebrations, buffets, excellent sales and substantial prizes ... but my mind back over the moments difficult but after that happened with all our might, with great willingness' that only Naples can. I personally have been proud to have worked in the 'Old Rinascente' which gave me the opportunity 'to grow professionally by making educational trips on some branches of Italy and is daily working in my life path. I sincerely thank all the people that from the moment they believed in me both at work and human. An affectionate hug and goes especially to my 'old fellow' plan ( Tina, Imma and Flower ) that from the moment I was treated like a daughter and that will bring 'always in my heart to ... my friends Anthony and visual Peppe that with their strong and intense personality 'have given me days and memorable moments. ... to my Franco has always supported me in difficult times and I won her heart .... the my former boss Abbatiello who always believed in me from the beginning and which we no longer 'news, not even a farewell! ... to Maria Marano, who with great professionalism' has been able to fit into a non- easy but above all he learned to know and understand ... Donatella Double that starting this journey with so much enthusiasm has no words to express the anger I have inside of if 'and what' and that 'happened. ... my two colleagues sweet Rita and Alexandra, who in 2000 started with me this way ... to my friends Grace and Massimo , companions of so many days and evenings spent together in joy ... to all boxiste and staff on the ground floor, which I have donated their beautiful smile every day when I walked into the office ... Mr. Siciliano and Ms. Tina I've known before everyone else and I have watched her grow up and become who I am today ... all those people and friends who gradually went away over the years but never forgot ... to my friend Daniel Sapio smile that says, 'Great Way to go Dana ...' to the wonderful friends / colleagues on the 1st floor, Silvia (tattoo), Luisa (great little mom) Simona (marvelous creature) Katia (beautiful and very good) ... all the good company of the 2nd floor and with their 'dancing' improvised filled with joy, some sad moments in my life ... A kiss particularly Franceschina Esposito ... that life will always smile! ! .... With my colleagues plan, which I have always respected and wanted the office ... well, that with his girls ( Imma, and Ale Manuela ) also made the walls shake with laughter! warm wishes synthesized in a tear filled full of bitterness to those who have not mentioned .... all that we were who we are and who we are! ... to all the unsaid words, but they had great significance in our hearts and our minds. This page is closed here in town but I hope to open a book in everyone, everything brand new ready to be written. A greeting and a big Good luck to all. That life can give us that smile dinuovo stolen and a better future outside these walls that are a little 'us!
, we Boys, and 'it time to say goodbye, and after much thought I decided to do it hoping to fix these words in the heart of all of us stopping for a moment that surely will pass the time 'and we travolgera'come wave, like a hurricane. So far it seems to me a bad nightmare to live with the hope of a great awakening then, the Truth 'mingles with the dream, to understand and digest that it is a bitter and harsh reality'. Given this close and 'was a cold shower for all We ... we ... the people who had invested their life and not just working in a major company and always ready for new challenges toward a future full of innovative and very successful ... But everything 'and we all suddenly vanished We felt betrayed, hurt and thrown into a reality 'arid and sterile, in this reality' that we all look outside but that does not belong to us and with the pride of working in Rinascente could only vaguely understand. Now I can just stop and remember everything with deep regret 'that these walls have seen and lived with us ... joys, celebrations, buffets, excellent sales and substantial prizes ... but my mind back over the moments difficult but after that happened with all our might, with great willingness' that only Naples can. I personally have been proud to have worked in the 'Old Rinascente' which gave me the opportunity 'to grow professionally by making educational trips on some branches of Italy and is daily working in my life path. I sincerely thank all the people that from the moment they believed in me both at work and human. An affectionate hug and goes especially to my 'old fellow' plan ( Tina, Imma and Flower ) that from the moment I was treated like a daughter and that will bring 'always in my heart to ... my friends Anthony and visual Peppe that with their strong and intense personality 'have given me days and memorable moments. ... to my Franco has always supported me in difficult times and I won her heart .... the my former boss Abbatiello who always believed in me from the beginning and which we no longer 'news, not even a farewell! ... to Maria Marano, who with great professionalism' has been able to fit into a non- easy but above all he learned to know and understand ... Donatella Double that starting this journey with so much enthusiasm has no words to express the anger I have inside of if 'and what' and that 'happened. ... my two colleagues sweet Rita and Alexandra, who in 2000 started with me this way ... to my friends Grace and Massimo , companions of so many days and evenings spent together in joy ... to all boxiste and staff on the ground floor, which I have donated their beautiful smile every day when I walked into the office ... Mr. Siciliano and Ms. Tina I've known before everyone else and I have watched her grow up and become who I am today ... all those people and friends who gradually went away over the years but never forgot ... to my friend Daniel Sapio smile that says, 'Great Way to go Dana ...' to the wonderful friends / colleagues on the 1st floor, Silvia (tattoo), Luisa (great little mom) Simona (marvelous creature) Katia (beautiful and very good) ... all the good company of the 2nd floor and with their 'dancing' improvised filled with joy, some sad moments in my life ... A kiss particularly Franceschina Esposito ... that life will always smile! ! .... With my colleagues plan, which I have always respected and wanted the office ... well, that with his girls ( Imma, and Ale Manuela ) also made the walls shake with laughter! warm wishes synthesized in a tear filled full of bitterness to those who have not mentioned .... all that we were who we are and who we are! ... to all the unsaid words, but they had great significance in our hearts and our minds. This page is closed here in town but I hope to open a book in everyone, everything brand new ready to be written. A greeting and a big Good luck to all. That life can give us that smile dinuovo stolen and a better future outside these walls that are a little 'us!
With love Daniela Terlato.
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