E 'with great joy and pride that I report here the news filled with satisfaction that all true Italians, who finally come to sail into the third millennium. And 'now the news that finally realizes the dream that I believe we all have for so long cultivated: in Italy will also open a branch of the Ku Klux Klan, with the stated aim of making a clean sweep of the last dregs of Negro, Jewish and gay, so much a shame goes to our homeland. Enough with the hesitation of the Northern League, which, while deserving preaching and advanced social ideas, still seems reluctant establishment of the traditional practice of lynching and limits itself to roast luganeghe instead of immigrants of color. Now at last the heart of Nazi-fascist, racist and xenophobic nature of our country can find a clear reference. Cause for pride that the "realm" Italian, while employed by the "Reich" German is recognized and reported directly to the Board of the American Klan. We wish our fearless patriots the same good fortune that has smiled to Hitler and Mussolini (a shame that these great statesmen have never received a Nobel Peace Prize).
In this day of celebration, however, raises some 'bad taste in the mouth of the ruling of the Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, which declares illegal the crucifixes in classrooms. But we believe that this clear result of the conspiracy demo-pluto-Judeo-Masonic will be rejected by the Italian government. After all, God himself is from this point of view, a "comrade wrong" enough to read the Bible to realize that he himself is racist but strangely in favor of the Jewish people, but what you can expect from a Jewish book? Surely the Jews were the chosen people to exterminate the plot and only demo-pluto-so has changed the word to make it adhere to its principles distorted.
NB: Since I was asked whether the article reflects my thoughts literally: NO, the article is ironic, my wish would be to go around the world all this gang kicked in the lower spine .
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