silence. "I can not and do not say anything", so the prosecutor Domenico Lanesui Fiordalisi the reasons for the raid that led to the Guardia di Finanza to acquire copies of the contract by March 31, 1994 in favor of Aliarbatax Gearto.
The judiciary requires absolute silence on the investigation on the events at Tortolì. "I can not and do not say anything." End transmission. The Prosecutor of the Republic of Lanusei, Domenico Fiordalisi not add half a word about the background and reasons for the raid that led to the financial police to obtain documents relating to the affairs and management of the airport ogliastrino. Impossible to know whether there are already very specific type of offense and if the same story there are persons on the list of suspects. institutional representatives express confidence in the judiciary, despite some concern about the future fate of the airport. It is desirable - says the mayor of Tortoli, Marcella Lepori - that these findings do not interfere with ongoing negotiations for the acquisition by the City and County of ownership of the track and the creation of a new management company wholly public. For the revival of the airport there are substantial finanziamenti.La Regional Council has recently allocated five million euro in the 2010 budget, while two and a half million are still missing. It has however of finding alternative funding channels.
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The judiciary requires absolute silence on the investigation on the events at Tortolì. "I can not and do not say anything." End transmission. The Prosecutor of the Republic of Lanusei, Domenico Fiordalisi not add half a word about the background and reasons for the raid that led to the financial police to obtain documents relating to the affairs and management of the airport ogliastrino. Impossible to know whether there are already very specific type of offense and if the same story there are persons on the list of suspects. institutional representatives express confidence in the judiciary, despite some concern about the future fate of the airport. It is desirable - says the mayor of Tortoli, Marcella Lepori - that these findings do not interfere with ongoing negotiations for the acquisition by the City and County of ownership of the track and the creation of a new management company wholly public. For the revival of the airport there are substantial finanziamenti.La Regional Council has recently allocated five million euro in the 2010 budget, while two and a half million are still missing. It has however of finding alternative funding channels.
Unione Sarda
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