Friday, November 19, 2010

Where To Buy Protien In Singapore

Keep a sim?

There are some last minute doubts. In any case it is always empty, and indeed could not be otherwise, given that - unlike many others - we do not notice and tippaggi two thousand a day, nor do we have a staff to take care. Because quite frankly I think that in SL the idea of \u200b\u200bpaying someone to have fun is absurd in itself, but because it is not worth investing in Linden on Linden events, however, the exact moment when ending turn out to be a waste of money in the fireplace . If the operator of a local RL takes a group to play, his investment will be amply repaid by the increased sale of drinks. If a sim gets a singer to raise the pay for the traffic one evening - and someone tell me what's the point then - and again the next day. The same applies to the DJ.
In my opinion, the only thing is just right that those who do concerts or other events, not to mention the host of PR and more that we should pay to send gesture and being with friends, put their tip jar. We put the sim, their art and their audience, if he likes, he pays them, the sim owner already pay enough, and if you put 100 Linden in a tip jar is not too do it, but remember that it takes 100,000 monthly fees for a sim. However we will always be very little to say nothing in return. hasta Lueg



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